Learning Discipline instead of Making Resolutions

RESOLUTIONS... are made to be FORGOTTEN!

I have had countless New Years in my lifetime and I have made resolutions, some of them drafted in my personal diary, only to find so many excuses in accomplishing nothing. Resolutions are like promises that are made to be broken and no matter how cliched it may sound, there's an ugly truth behind these promises: Procrastination.

There is just not enough passion that makes me accomplish the goals I have set for the year and worst, I ended up frustrated with the path my life is taking. But this year, I have made up my mind and trashed all resolutions that I have created and will create. I simply will do my best to focus on what I desired most and make sure that I have enough self-discipline in finishing what was started and what will come my way.

Self-Discipline is easier said than done. This is a fact.

To learn discipline is not only to learn obedience. It is the power of the mind to achieve that sets the wannabes apart from the masters of their own lives. Perhaps you've never even heard of Emile Coue, a chemist who had developed a psychotherapy of his own, based on auto-suggestion. In 1910, he had successfully treated thousands of patients suffering from rheumatism, severe headaches to an amazing variety of inflictions - at his free clinic. He admitted never curing anyone...but he had helped them cure themselves.

The power of the mind is the golden key to achieving discipline.

It is true that we could only think of one thought at a time and if we give much focus on this thought, it will move our bodies into action until we have the results we desire. Resolutions are merely statements that we say to ourselves and is carried off by the wind the moment we turn our heads the other way. Discipline is another story. It is not only stating something but making sure that a concrete form comes out of our whispered thoughts and wishful thinking.

There are hundreds of Self-Help books out there that promises the secret amulet to gaining discipline in your life and keeping it for good. Discipline is a key to many doors waiting to be opened. Masters of this craft had turned rich and famous. It is, however, not your quick-fix that could make your troubles vanish quickly into thin air. I, myself, had also been struggling with discipline that I have even took a glance on Silva's Method for mind control, just so I could have a total mastery of myself.

To acknowledge that you are imperfect and that you need discipline - is the first step. The rest will follow. The hardest path for me is learning how to say " NO " to people and all those guilty pleasures that are taking me away from reaching my goals. This doesn't mean I have to stop being nice. It is setting my priorities and being responsible for it that makes me achieve more. In doing so, I have removed unnecessary clutter in my life.

" Is my best good enough? " Ask yourself. If resolutions are not the best option in getting more out of life, the, it's high time to reflect on what's been missing and have the discipline to fill in the blanks.