Why the World Needs Poetry?

Will the world be a safer place without poetry? This is the question that one needs to consider when asking if our society really needs poets in the first place.

Poetry may be a dying art form when one will think of Homer's epic, " The Odyssey," and the great adventure and battles of Odysseus. Not many writers nowadays can equally rival such a masterpiece, or even surpass it. On a modernist point of view, if you just start to view things, in a poet's perspective - even your office memo contains too much drama and poetry.

As long as we are humans and we do live here on this planet, poetry will always live in us and through the ages to come. It can mean a lot of things to different people and yet, most of us are unaware of it. We were pre-programmed to think that to write a poem is to make rhythm and word count. It might be an impossible task for others and some chosen few are very much gifted in merging verses. The list goes on, from the 19th century Japanese poems, Emily Dickinson , T.S. Eliot and even to the rhyme of modern R&B songs; It is undoubtedly a fact that our lives are evolving on the edge of poetry - of emotions, dreams, fears, and aspirations. It is a web that we are spinning, no matter how we may not know that we are its prolific masters.

Imagine if we don't feel at all... and the world is but a huge center stage reflecting our inner void.

You may want to argue my point but poetry is the very essence of our humanity. Without it, we are nothing, just another tiny speck in the vast universe. It is our need to express ourselves that made these literary wonders, like creating out of nothing. In so doing, we share our place in the divine plan of beings created in the image and likeness of the one, true creator.

" Society is poetry.. Poetry is Society.."

Ponder on this truth no matter how ugly or cynical the world maybe. If only our society takes a time off to indulge in the pleasures that poems could bring, we would then greet each morning with a smile. Some people may think it's a cheap trick. Poetry is much, much more than that. It is an enigma that nourishes the very soul of our existence. It is an imagination wanting to be free from the confines and routines of our lives. And when you do have the joy of really appreciating a poem, read it carefully. Feel it. Read it aloud. Cherish it. It might not be a miracle cure but it opens your mind into a whole new world that has been there right in front of you, if you only took the time.

" A poetry a day.. "