Do You Have a Song in Your Heart?

" My song is...LOVE... and it is living inside me, waiting, wanting to be shared. "

I had only recently appreciated what Og Mandino meant when he wrote: I will live this day with love in my heart. For three decades of an utter merry-go-round I call " My Life, " I have been living in the shadows of regrets and hate of the past, of people and circumstances that had left their scars on my fragile mind, making me the bitter person I am not supposed to be. Sometimes, I would imagine that if ever I was already conscious of the world I would be born into, maybe I won't come out at all from my mother's womb. Wishful thinking, of course.

Life Always Moves in Mysterious Ways

Looking back from where I am today, I could never imagine why I even wished that. No one's perfect, and so am I. Realization hit me faster than a speeding meteor crashing into the Earth: I have the power to change my life. To do this, I had underwent a month of self recollection, forgave others and... myself. It is all a matter of mental perception and a positive reinforcement. It all came down to Love. I, then, took sometime to really understand and love myself - for if I don't love me first, then, who will?

Ask and You Shall Receive

Last year, my life took on such a dramatic climax that had almost broken my soul. My life seems to have no meaning at all, my debts are piling up, my career is doomed to stagnation and my relationship with my beloved fell faster than the laws of gravity would even allow. A little more push and surely, I would have jumped off from the edge of my sanity and existence for good. It made me wonder if I am having a karmic spell or just a series of unfortunate luck. Why me?

There were so many questions without an answer, as I was filled with thoughts of pity, envy, hate and despair. I have moments of asking the very full moon what have I done to deserve such a fall from grace. I am a nice person and never had violated any man-made law. I even had bought dozens of good luck charms and incense to ward off the bad chi from my home.

Look into the song of your heart...for the answer lies within.

It was only when I had cleared my thoughts of all the negative things that I have seen the real me... in crystal clear digital HD. My heart sings of love and the ugly realities of my everyday world had left me almost deaf from its wonderful tune. I have never felt such blessed peace and yes, I did cry.. for I am a beautiful person within, waiting to manifest on the outside. I only have to give up the false egos and vanity of my past and move forward, in a new self that's free from negativity.

The secret of life and the universe itself may have been involved in the laws of attraction that's being used for the sake of profit, but I tell you this: no book ever written could ever write who you really are, unless you stop for a moment and listen to the song of your heart. From that moment I had found my innerBuddha, things have changed for better in my life. I can't believe how fast my life is evolving into what I dreamt it would be. Is it chance? Is it magic? I may never know. All I know is... I live each day with LOVE in my heart.